Dr. Richard London, Father of Wisdom was guided after 40 years of research to the creation of a Unique Energy System that automates Life.


This proprietary energy system (VEF) TM takes your natural and developed qualities to a superior level. No more trying to change yourself in any manner. Use the system daily in your life and watch the automation, change, and transformation take place in your life easily and effortlessly daily.


“When your Life is Automated there are no challenges, Just Wins! Dr. Richard London”


“All Humans are a product of their DNA evolution” Change how your DNA responds in this Life and then your Personal and Professional Life changes immediately.




Have you struggled in one of more areas of your life?

Have you failed in some areas of your Life?

Have you not been enough in this Life?

Has Wealth being a struggle to create or hold on to?


Now! For the first time in your life a definitive solution to being Generous always, to stop working too much, turn your failures into successes. “Automate Your Life Course” solves all these problems and more.


Be Bold, be a person of Authority as Wealth Loves Authority and speed your life up by Automating your Life Now!




The Automate Your Life Course is a comprehensive step-by-step Life changing process that will equip you with the full set of fundamental mindsets and skills to break through any limitations in your life.


It’s over 50 years and Life Times of accumulated wisdom, experience and proven practical methods condensed into a laser focused program.


And you’ll be able to:

  • Take control of your circumstances and reshape your life realitywith powerful mindsets
  • Create permanent breakthroughsand enjoy changes that lasts
  • Enhance your life immediatelyby applying easy, practical, step-by-step skills to everyday life


You will become an expert in tackling taking any obstacle and turning it into an achievable opportunity that always gets your desired Results.


The technique, method, or system of operating or controlling a process by highly automatic means, as by electronic devices, reducing human intervention to a minimum.


*Just as Henry Ford automated the manufacture of cars, Dr. Richard London discovered unique techniques, methods, systems and energy that allows him to automate your life and give you more of everything above.


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